Cambrian Indian Community

Home away from home

This is the official website of the Cambrian Indian Community, a CA based non-profit organization serving the needs of the Indian Community in Cambrian Park neighborhood of California.

CIC Mehendi and Dandiya Night 2017 Feedback - What you told us

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2017 CIC Mehendi and Dandiya Night on 16-Sep at the Camden Community Center. It was a sold-out event and we hope everyone enjoyed it with their family and/or friends. The Mehendi event has grown over the past few years from a small affair with a few ladies in someone’s backyard to having more than 200 participants with over a dozen mehendi artists and a dedicated DJ. 


Here at CIC, we work hard to make these events something for everyone to enjoy. But at the same time, we also look to learn from our mistakes from past years and other similar events. We do a detailed post-event feedback so we capture the good and bad from every event. Admittedly we haven’t done this feedback summary for a couple of CIC events this year (which will not happen again). But here is everything you told us that went well (and not so well) at the 2017 CIC Mehendi and Dandiya Night.

Overall Feedback

We had feedback from 20 people representing 10% of total attendees but a higher percentage of total ticket purchasers (if you consider parents, children and friends attending as companions).

This was one event that was thoroughly enjoyed by pretty much everyone who provided feedback. 90% of respondents felt the program was awesome while the remaining 10% felt they liked it. For folks who brought someone with them, pretty much everyone seems to have had fun which is great. 95% of you felt that this event wasn’t too long. Given that it ran for a few hours, it is remarkable that the time flew for so many of you. This level of enjoyment is what we typically aspire and kudos to the entire team for making it such a fun event for everyone. 


The ticket price (for anyone older than 4) was set at $17. This takes into account the economics of renting a large hall, paying for the mandatory fees for having an event in a community center, DJ services, mehendi supplies and the food. CIC makes very little profit from most events which is used to pay for our annual operating costs. Of the 20 respondents, 70% felt it was rightly priced or a steal. Only 5% of you felt it was too pricey while 25% felt it was high but were sympathetic to the operating costs of such an event. We thank you for understanding that we try hard to keep our costs low while offering a quality event that is fun for everyone. 


This is as always the most polarizing topic. When we lean in on adult friendly food, it ends up being spicy for many. If we lean towards bland food, adults find it not so much fun. This year was no different. 50% of the respondents were happy with the food. 45% felt the food was adequate from a quantity standpoint but not quite as tasty. This will be an area for next year’s team to focus and improve. 

Looking Ahead

Every single respondent is willing to volunteer for next year which speaks volumes for the camaraderie that was exhibited. 95% of respondents said they will attend next year with only one holdout. 

All in all, it is safe to suggest that this year’s team lead by Rosy and Mahalakshmi pulled off a fantastic event that has garnered a lot of praise from everyone who provided feedback. The next year’s team will learn from this year’s experience and build on all the good things and fix what little didn’t go well.

If you have any additional questions on this feedback summary, let us know by email at

I will leave you with some free form feedback received from the participants. It will convey much more than what I can by looking at all the data. Thanks again for making this event a big success and hats off to the entire team that was involved in putting this event together.

What did you most like about the CIC Mehendi Night?

“The whole entire thing. It was obvious that everyone enjoyed it as evidenced by their smiles!! Loved the dj in the background and the awesome hostesses.”

“The event is very well organized. Can see the hard work of the organizers in every corner. Bar is set high for next year organizers :) Sending the video for the dance beforehand and the colored band idea is good.”

“Attendees engagement and attention to details in the event”

“Kids doing mehandi and photo booth”

“organized events and fun for everyone, even the volunteers.”

“The enthusiasm, the energy, the attention to detail!”

What would you like to be changed for the next CIC Mehendi Night?

“Nothing I can think. We may need a bigger hall though because more people may want to attend after hearing about it 😍”

“More garba/dandiya (there was no dandiya at all !), better food, slightly less price $15 maybe ?”

“Definitely more involvement FROM kids. Better than previous events but still there could have been dedicated time slots. If kids are not into dancing, they were just sitting in one corner and chatting. (This is not a criticism or negative feedback.) Just a suggestion for next year event.”

“Nothing....I want same to same”

“More Mehendi on the hands :-)”

“Please allow dandiya sticks in the spirit of the festival”



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